Welcome Back Nuri

I am excited to have Nuri, the young stallion of Adam Snow and Dr. Shelley Onderdunk back in training for a month.  You may remember that we had to cut our time short due to his foot soreness earlier last month, but he is all better and ready to resume work.

Below is a video of Kendra working him in a group environment.  She was checking his pre-ride check list “in company” to see if he could maintain focus while other horses were going all about, many of which were mares.  At one point Nuri gets distracted and slips/stumbles, then has a little temper tantrum and has to work to regain focus and connection to Kendra.  He has done this twice now, and it is cute since we are not on him.  This really illustrates the importance of doing foundational work with a young horse, and shows how we set him up so he can learn to successfully manage his emotions during all sorts of situations.

I hope you enjoy learning from Nuri, we sure are having fun working with him and advancing his basic skills!

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